Hope for women now and in the future

Hope for women now and the future
Hope for women now and the future

Our mission

The Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer (QCGC) Research is on a mission to develop the best possible standard of care for women with gynaecological cancer.

Our work is revolutionising gynaecological cancer treatment worldwide, saving thousands of women’s lives each year and filling enormous gaps in knowledge about gynaecological cancer. QCGC Research has projects ready to go but needs the financial security to pursue them.


QCGC Research celebrates 20 years!

In 2023, QCGC Research celebrated 20 amazing years!

We are incredibly proud of the progress that the QCGC Research team is making to find kinder, gentler, and more effective treatments for women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer.

We could not have made this progress without the involvement and support of our QCGC Research community - patients, staff members (past and present), donors, collaborators and other organisations and professionals, who have been involved in our journey.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved over this time. We can't wait to see what advancements are made over the next 20 years.


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