Dr Andrea Garrett

Dr Andrea Garrett graduated from the University of Queensland Medical School in 1996. After a few years working in South East Queensland and in the United Kingdom, she commenced specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2001 and gained fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 2006. She undertook further specialisation in the field of Gynaecologic Oncology and trained in Melbourne and Perth. In 2008 she was granted the Certificate of Gynaecologic Oncology. She also completed a Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care (Flinders University) in 2007.
She returned to Brisbane in February 2009 and has taken up a position as VMO (Visiting Medical Officer) at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital as well as commencing private practice at The Wesley Hospital. She manages women with gynaecologic cancers, pre-invasive disease and hereditary conditions and has a special interest in Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.