Dr Archana Rao

Dr Archana Rao, Gynaecological Oncologist, supports women in the diagnosis and management of malignant and pre-malignant gynaecological conditions and has expertise in the surgical treatment of patients with gynaecological cancers. Her specialties are broad and include gynaecological oncology, colonoscopy (RANZCOG C-QUIP certified), and laparoscopic surgery and complex open surgery for benign and malignant gynaecological conditions.
Dr Rao also has extensive experience in surgical education and training. She is responsible for supervising and teaching trainees at all levels, including pre-vocational, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) and RANZCOG subspeciality trainees.
Dr Rao achieved a Bachelor of Medical Science (BSc Med) and Bachelor of Medicine, Honours Class II (MBBS Hons) from the University of NSW in 2000. This was followed with a Fellowship with RANZCOG in 2010, and a Master of Medicine in Clinical Epidemiology (MMed) and Certification in Gynaecology Oncology (CGO) with RANZCOG in 2014.
In NSW, she worked and trained at the John Hunter Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, the Royal Hospital for Women, and St George Hospital. In Queensland, she worked and trained at the Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Mater Mother’s Hospital.
Dr Rao is currently a Senior Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
She is also Chair of the RANZCOG Gynaecological Oncology (CGO) Committee, a Member of RANZCOG Subspecialties Committee and Education Strategy Committee, a Member of the Australian Society of Gynaecological Oncology Executive, and a Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland.
She was introduced to gynaecological oncology, obstetrics and gynaecology as a junior doctor and appreciated the holistic nature of the care and the opportunities to contribute to improvements in care through involvement in research and teaching.
Dr Rao considers it a privilege to look after women at challenging times of life, and provides continuity of care as she works in partnership with them to achieve their goals of care.
Further information and resources
- Cancer Council – patient resources
- Queensland Cancer for Gynaecological Cancer Research – research and information